Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he (Proverbs 29:18, KKJV). When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy (Proverbs 29:18, NLT). Vision (divine revelation from God) serves to give instruction and direction to those God is speaking to. Man cannot survive without instruction and direction. There would be total chaos. Just think about not having any stop signs, yield signs, or traffic lights. Every driver would literally have the right-of-way and total confusion would lead to accidents and fights.
In our scripture reading, “vision” refers to the divine revelation received by the prophet. When the prophet does not deliver the divine revelation received from God to the people, they (the people) act and live without restraint. They run wild and mass confusion is the result. The “vision” serves to put us and keep us in line with God’s intent and direction for our lives.
Let’s look at a couple of situations where divine revelation was used to direct or correct God’s people. In 1 Samuel 3:1 we read that Samuel served God by assisting Eli in the temple. In those days, the Word of God was “precious” or rare. The reason was because Israel’s sin was so great that there was a lack of God’s revealing work. However, God used Samuel by appearing to him in a vision and giving him a message to deliver to Eli. The message was that the iniquity of Eli’s house (the sins of his sons and his deaf ear and closed eyes to those sins) would not be atoned for with sacrifices or offerings. This was the beginning of Samuel’s work as one of God’s prophet.
In the New Testament (Acts 10) we read about the visions of Cornelius and Peter. God spoke to Cornelius in a vision and told him to send an entourage to Joppa to find Peter. God spoke to Peter in a vision and instructed him to receive Cornelius’ entourage. As a result of these visions and meetings, Cornelius and Peter met. Peter preached the gospel to Cornelius and his household. They were saved and received the Holy Spirit.
Divine revelation (vision) from God is more than a dream or a plan to carry out a building fund project or begin an international prayer ministry. It is when and how God speaks to His servant to address a circumstance or situation in which God intends to move. Its intent is more spiritual than physical. The vision is meant to change the behavior of people from non-acceptance, disbelief, or rebellion to nothing less than faith and obedience.
God always has a word for His children. We must be still long enough and be attentive in order to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to His people through His servant. There is always a dose of divine revelation because God always has a word of instruction and direction for His children to keep us obedient and safe.
Pastor Sharen Lightsey
Isn't it nice to know that someone cares?
And isn't it nice to know someone shares
Your pain and sorrow?
Isn't it nice to know that God answers prayers?
And isn't it nice to know He keeps us through the snares
To give us hope for tomorrow?
Oh what a joy in serving the Lord!
Oh what a peace that fills the soul.
There's nothing like being carefree
And knowing Who is in control.
Do you know of any other way
To feel the love of God every day
Than to rest in the Holy Ghost?
Do you know of any other ray
That shines on your spiritual bay
And brings comfort when you need it most?
Oh what joy in serving the Lord
Oh what an experience to be born again.
For nothing compares to living right
And keeping your hand in God's hand!
Nehemiah 8:10
I Am a Christian. Why Am I Persecuted?